"I'm too full because I just ate a burrito"
AGE: physical age 29, mental age 20 years
LOCATION: Long Island, NY ... originally Oxford, Connecticut
TRICK: currently- X-ups. Usually - no footers.
BIKE FRAME: Purple @defconfour custom frame
PRO: Nina Buitrago @nina_burrito
our fairy godmother basically who shreds instead of flying
DRINK: @coffeesurfco , duh!
But I'm a water lover too.
PEOPLE: anyone who can make me laugh and /or feel loved ! It fuels me!
COMPANIES: the ones who support me!
@vans (jk but a girl can dream)
EXCUSE: "I can't do the thing...I'm too full because I just ate a burrito"
OBT GEAR: Knee Gaskets are a must, joint support supplements are my daily and currently loving the elbow sleeves for support while lifting at the gym! OH and the most BADASS Hawaiian shirts.
Checkout more radness from Jocie on her Instagram @joc313
photos: @jonnynemecek | @tjl_photo | @dylanoleary
"Knee Gaskets are a must..."